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B. Andrei Bernevig

Andrei Bernevig is a leader in the field of topological electronic states in solids. His initial proposal of the quantum spin Hall effect in HgTe quantum wells was soon followed by dramatic experimental confirmation. He has developed a theoretical framework for topological insulators and written a highly regarded book on the subject. His work on topological superconductivity in metal chains on superconducting surfaces, as well as his prediction of two types of Weyl semimetal states in transition metal monophosphides and WTe2, has stimulated considerable theoretical and experimental activity.

Bernevig is a professor of physics at Princeton University. He earned his doctorate at Stanford University, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Princeton Center for Theoretical Physics. His work has garnered numerous awards, including the 2014 Sackler Prize, the 2016 New Horizons Prize, a 2017 Guggenheim Fellowship, and the 2019 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials from the American Physical Society.


Postdoctoral fellows

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Aaron Chew

Aaron's research focuses on topological phases of matter, including twisted bilayer graphene, strongly interacting systems and flat band phases of matter. He earned his doctorate from the California Institute of Technology.


Frank Schindler

Frank is a postdoctoral fellow at the Princeton Center for Theoretical Physics. He obtained his PhD from the University of Zurich, and is interested in a variety of problems, from topological systems to many-body localization.


Zhida Song

Zhida’s interests range from topological phases of matter to interacting many-body systems and superconductivity in stoichiometric and engineered materials. He earned his graduate degree from Institute Of Physics, Beijing and will soon take a professorship position at China’s Peking University.


Yuanfeng Xu

Yuanfeng’s interests mainly focus on the prediction and calculation of topological materials. He earned his Ph.D. degree from the Institute Of Physics, Beijing. He is now working at the Max-Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics and will joint to Princeton research this autumn.


Graduate students


Dumitru Calugaru

Dumitru is interested in a range of problems from twisted bilayer and trilayer graphene to many-body localization and is now, for his PhD, working on the quantum behavior of interacting particles. He graduated from Cambridge University and is a recipient of the Gold Medal at the International Chemistry Olympiad.


Jonah Herzog-Arbeitman

Jonah's interests lie on the frontier of topological materials where strong magnetic fields and interactions reveal new phases of matter governed by quantum mechanics. He earned his AB from Princeton and holds master's degrees from Oxford and Cambridge where he studied as a Marshall Scholar.


Fang Xie

Fang's research focuses on interacting electrons in twisted moire materials as well as on topological bounds on superconducting properties. He earned his bachelor degree from China’s Tsinghua University, Beijing in 2017.


Frequent collaborators


Nicolas Regnault

Prof. Nicolas Regnault from Ecole Normale Superieure has been a long-term collaborator of the group. He is a leader in numerical methods of quantum many-body systems and has done a great body of work on Fractional Quantum Hall, topological insulators, many-body localization and interacting electronic systems.

Past group members and postdoc collaborators


Benjamin Wieder – 2017-2020, postdoctoral fellow, now MIT postdoc

Sanjay Moudgalya – 2017-2020, graduate student, now Caltech postdoc

Biao Lian – 2017-2020, postdoctoral fellow at PCTS, now professor at Princeton

Huan He – 2016-2020, graduate student, now in finance

Yunqin Zheng – 2016-2020, graduate student, now postdoc at University of Tokyo

Jennifer Cano – 2015-2018, postdoctoral fellow at PCTS, now professor at Stonybrook

Barry Bradlyn - 2015-2018, postdoctoral fellow at PCTS, now professor at UIUC

Zhijun Wang – 2015-2017, postdoctoral fellow, now professor at Institute of Physics, Beijing

Aris Alexandradinata – 2010-2015, graduate student, then Yale postdoctoral prize, now UIUC postdoc

Yangle Wu – 2019-2014, graduate student, now in finance

Chen Fang – 2012-2014, postdoctoral fellow, then MIT postdoc, now professor at Institute of Physics, China

Jian Li – 2013-2015, postdoctoral fellow, now professor at Westlake Institute, Hangzhou

Benoit Estienne – 2011-2012, postdoctoral fellow, now associate professor at Paris Jussieu

Maria Hermanns -2010-2012, postdoctoral fellow, now professor at Stockholm University

Ronny Thomale – 2009-2011, postdoctoral fellow, now professor at University of Wurzburg